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10/18/2023 Code Generators!
So my project is in Monogame and I'm trying to build an Entity-Component-System for it. I have a base class "Component" that each entity has an array of. Compon...
10/10/2023 Data Serialization / De-Serialization
So I've been investigating different serialization solutions as I want to be able to take advantage of C# inheritance as part of my game engine named, "Chuggine...
10/06/2023 Porting to Monogame
Currently I'm working on writing out and reading in JSON information for my game. However I've found most tools don't have a way to support Inheritance in JSON...
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New build released
Pyxel Knight has been downloaded over 800 times now! As such I have been getting feedback from you. I'm doing my best to add in the features and fixes you guys...
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